The Parable of the Pipeline

The Parable of the Pipeline

The Parable of the Pipeline written by Burks Hedges tells us about the achievement of millionaire status and it’s a determination by a deliberate decision, not by luck. The creation of pipelines is a must in our lives else the entire life we will die working. The construction of these pipelines may be tough but once made, these will become your lifelines.

The Power of Positive Thinking

The Power of Positive Thinking

The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale tells us about the power of our positive thinking. The book will help you approach your personal, financial, spiritual, and relationship decisions with a positive mindset, allowing you to replace your negative thoughts confidently. And by overcoming your fear, you can increase your self-confidence.

Cashflow Quadrant

Cashflow Quadrant

Cashflow Quadrant by Robert T Kiyosaki teaches how you can become financially independent and wealthy by entering the business quadrant. If you are ready to improve yourself and your way of working to become rich, then this a must-read book that will take away all your money-related woes.

Leadership Wisdom

Leadership Wisdom

Leadership Wisdom by Robin Sharma talks about an extraordinary leader who turned around the fate of an organization by following simple leadership rituals. The eight rituals of visionary leadership endorsed in this book highlight the transformational leadership conduct of an inspiring leader. So if you are the one who wants to make it big in life, this is must-read book for your dream life.

The Miracle Morning

The Miracle Morning

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod explains how in just 6 minutes, you can get results and how you can customise your morning to best benefit you and your goals. The Miracle Morning is an instructional book all about how to create a morning routine that sets you up for success in every aspect of life.

Atomic Habits

Atomic Habits

Atomic Habits by James Clear d teaches about building good habits. Sometimes we spend our whole life creating a good habit. Then a tiny mistake turns that habit in a second in side out. This book has the secret ingredients on making a habit and sticking to it for a life of transformation and meaningful impact all around.

The Game of Life and How to Play it

The Game of Life and How to Play it

The Game of Life and How to Play it written by Florence Scovel Shinn teaches the moves needed in this competitive world. The game of life has indeed become very tricky and one needs to really hone their skills even to survive the very next move. The book also tells us that whatever we give into the world will be returned to us in the end, which means that if we give love, we will get love back, but if we hate, we will feel hatred in return.

Rewire Your Brain

Rewire Your Brain

Rewire Your Brain by John B. Arden will teach how certain parts of your brain feel more positive about your life, stay calm during stress, and improve your social relationships. Here you will understand how to rewire your brain, brain rewire meaning, and how it will transform your simple life in to a life of dreams.

The 10X Rule

The 10X Rule

The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone teaches us about the essential rule of success. The 10X Rule outlined in this book states that – 1st – You should set goals ten times bigger than what you believe today. 2nd – You must work ten times more than required to achieve your goal.

Kaizen – The Japanese Technique

Kaizen - The Japanese Technique

Kaizen – The Japanese Technique by Sarah Harvey teaches us about personal life and a flexible approach, which everyone can use to make desirable changes in health, money, relationships, and many other life areas. If you are interested in changing the life into an impactful life, this book is just written for you !