

#Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso is book written as a guide to becoming a boss from a woman's perspective. The book aims to teach readers the importance of recognizing when to quit and when to ask for more. Sophia encourages her readers to ask more questions and determine whether it's necessary to follow or rewrite the rules.

Sophia Amoruso 10 mins read Read in Hindi Self Improvement Productivity

Sophia, the founder of the renowned brand Nasty Gal, shares her journey in her book Girlboss. Through her story, she intends to impart valuable lessons on how to learn from your own mistakes and the mistakes of others.

The book aims to teach readers the importance of recognizing when to quit and when to ask for more. Sophia encourages her readers to ask more questions and determine whether it’s necessary to follow or rewrite the rules.

As a guide to becoming a boss from a woman’s perspective, Sophia’s message is equally applicable in a man’s world. She emphasizes the importance of being a strong and confident leader, regardless of gender.

Overall, Girlboss is an inspiring and practical book that offers readers valuable insights into what it takes to succeed as a leader. Sophia’s honest and straightforward approach makes it an excellent read for anyone looking to pursue their dreams and take control of their destiny.

1. So you want to be a Girlboss

Sophia, the founder of Nasty Gal, believes that being a #Girlboss is not just about running a business. It is about taking control of your life, working hard, and being able to fight for what you want. She emphasizes the importance of being responsible, taking charge of your actions, and not relying on luck to get ahead. Sophia also highlights the ability to know when rules must be followed, when they can be broken, and the importance of honesty over perfection.

If you want to become a #Girlboss, Sophia has provided three tips. The first is to question everything, challenge the status quo, and not be afraid to think outside the box. The second is to abandon anything in your life holding you back, whether bad habits or toxic relationships. And the third is to learn to create your opportunities, to be proactive, and take charge of your future.

Ultimately, being a #Girlboss means controlling your life and working hard to achieve your goals. It involves taking responsibility for your actions, being honest, and knowing when to be strict while not taking yourself too seriously. Sophia believes that anyone can become a #Girlboss and change the world with dedication and hard work.

2. Shitty jobs

According to Sophia, almost everyone has had a less-than-ideal job at some point. Whether it’s delivering newspapers or washing dishes, these jobs may not be glamorous, but they provide a valuable lesson. Sophia believes doing these jobs first can make the good ones more meaningful, as you appreciate them more once you have experienced a difficult job.

Sophia also believes that it’s unlikely that anyone will land their dream job or have a successful career immediately. Those less-than-ideal jobs can provide valuable experiences that are useful in future jobs. For example, you may have learned to work hard and dig deep when necessary, even when the job is challenging.

Sophia also points out that the school system can be challenging for some students. While schools treat students as one-size-fits-all, the reality is that not everyone thrives in the same environment. If you’re wired differently, you may feel like there’s something wrong with you. However, Sophia emphasizes that this is not the case and that the school system is not designed for everyone.

Sophia believes that less-than-ideal jobs provide valuable experiences useful in future jobs. Doing these jobs first can also make the good ones more meaningful. Additionally, Sophia acknowledges that the school system may not work for everyone, and it’s essential to recognize that everyone is wired differently.


Sophia encourages those who may struggle with the traditional school system not to let it discourage them from pursuing their passions and finding success. She believes that just because someone may struggle with school doesn’t mean they can’t be successful in other areas. Sophia suggests that this struggle may mean their talents lie elsewhere, and they should focus on discovering where they can flourish.

Sophia advises those struggling with school to seek opportunities to find their strengths and passions. This could mean exploring different hobbies, volunteering in different fields, or pursuing non-traditional education. By doing this, individuals can discover where their talents and passions lie and pursue them to achieve success.

Sophia believes success is not just about academic achievement or traditional career paths. It’s about finding your passion and pursuing it with determination and hard work. She encourages everyone, regardless of their academic history, to never give up on their dreams and to keep working towards their goals.

3. Are rules necessary?

Sophia acknowledges that rules are an essential part of life, and it’s impossible to escape them entirely. However, she suggests that not all rules are equal, and some may be worth breaking. Sophia explains that some rules exist for a reason and must be followed, such as laws against stealing. However, she also believes that society enforces many arbitrary rules that don’t make sense.

Sophia encourages individuals to have fun breaking these arbitrary rules and questioning the status quo. By doing so, individuals can challenge societal norms and create new and exciting paths for themselves. Sophia believes breaking these rules can be liberating and help individuals discover new ways of living and being.

However, Sophia also cautions that breaking the rules can have consequences, and individuals should be aware of the potential risks. She advises individuals to consider the potential consequences and be prepared to accept them if they choose to break the rules.

Overall, Sophia encourages individuals to question rules and societal norms and to have fun breaking the ones that don’t make sense. By doing so, individuals can challenge the status quo and create new and exciting paths for themselves. However, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks and consequences of breaking the rules and to be prepared to accept them if necessary.

4. That work-life balance

Sophia acknowledges that finding the perfect work-life balance is something that many people strive for, but it’s often elusive. She points out that this is especially true for freelancers, who may lack the structure of a regular 9-5 job. Without this structure, it’s easy for work to spill over into personal time or for personal commitments to interfere with work.

Sophia recommends establishing clear boundaries and creating structure in her schedule to address this issue. This might involve setting specific work hours, sticking to them, and carving out time for personal activities such as exercise or socializing. By doing so, you can ensure that you’re getting enough of each to maintain a healthy and enjoyable lifestyle.

Sophia emphasizes that you must be your parent when establishing these boundaries and creating structure. It’s up to you to set and enforce the rules that will allow you to balance work and personal life effectively. This may require some trial and error as you figure out what works best for you, but it’s essential to building a sustainable and fulfilling career.

Sophia stresses the importance of creating structure and boundaries to maintain a healthy work-life balance, especially as a freelancer. By establishing a schedule and sticking to it, you can ensure you’re getting enough of work and personal time to lead a fulfilling and sustainable lifestyle.

5. Money, money money


Sophia emphasizes the importance of financial management and control in achieving your desired lifestyle. Learning how to control your finances is essential in achieving financial freedom and avoiding being stuck in jobs you hate just because you can’t afford to leave. Sophia advises that understanding and mastering your finances are crucial to attaining freedom.

Paying bills on time is necessary, and Sophia highlights that it should be prioritized. To save money, Sophia recommends treating your savings account like a bill you must pay regularly. You can save up by allocating a specific amount of money into your savings account each month without even realizing it. Setting up automatic payments from your salary into your savings account can also help you save money without much effort.

Sophia emphasizes the importance of being mindful of your expenses, such as avoiding impulsive buying and only buying what you need. She suggests keeping track of your expenses using tools such as a budget planner or an app that tracks your spending. This way, you can identify areas where you may be overspending and adjust accordingly.

In summary, Sophia emphasizes mastering your finances and creating a plan that works for you. By prioritizing your bills, treating your savings like a bill, and being mindful of your expenses, you can achieve financial freedom and lead your desired lifestyle.

6. The power of thought


Sophia believes in our thoughts’ power and their impact on our lives. By controlling our thoughts and being optimistic, we can attract positive experiences and opportunities. Sophia recommends visualizing our dreams and goals to bring us closer to achieving them.

However, Sophia acknowledges that visualization alone isn’t enough. We also need to take action and create momentum toward our goals. Making good decisions and taking small steps toward our long-term goals can create a snowball effect and lead to even more positive outcomes.

Sophia also emphasizes the importance of focusing on the positive aspects of our lives. Doing so can attract even more positivity and abundance into our lives. And while it may seem like luck, Sophia reminds us that we create our magic through our thoughts and actions.

7. Introverts v/s Extroverts

Sophia challenges the assumption that extroverts are more likely to succeed in school or work. Being an introvert doesn’t mean you can’t achieve success, even if you feel like you often go unnoticed. Sophia explains that introverts may not be the loudest voice in the room, but their ideas still hold value.

Networking is a critical aspect of business, but Sophia believes its importance may be overemphasized. Just because introverts may not enjoy being in large groups of strangers doesn’t mean they can’t succeed. Sophia notes that introverts are likelier to sit back and observe during meetings, which may lead their peers to view them as not being leadership material. However, introverts often possess qualities that make them excellent leaders, such as empathy.

Sophia identifies several other traits introverts have that can benefit them in business. For example, they tend not to make risky financial decisions, are more persistent when solving problems, and can be highly creative. She points out that some of the world’s most successful people, including Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, and J.K. Rowling, are introverts.

In conclusion, Sophia emphasizes that being an introvert doesn’t mean you’re doomed to a life in the shadows. Introverts can succeed personally and professionally by recognizing their strengths and using them to their advantage.

8. The job world: applying, hiring & firing


When getting hired, Sophia shares some insights on how to stand out in a competitive job market. The first step is to apply for a job you are genuinely interested in and passionate about. Even if you’re unsure if it’s the right job, Sophia suggests “faking it till you make it.” Writing a cover letter is an opportunity to make an excellent first impression, and Sophia advises applicants to focus on what they can bring to the job and why their previous experiences make them a good fit. It’s important to spell check and not be too modest on your resume.

Once you get to the interview stage, Sophia suggests researching the company and position to understand what they’re looking for and explain why you’re the right person for the job. However, not getting the job doesn’t necessarily mean you didn’t do well in the interview; sometimes, someone else may be a better fit for the role. Sophia reminds applicants that it’s normal not to get the first job they apply for and to keep improving their skills in the job search process.

After you get the job, Sophia emphasizes the importance of going above and beyond your job description. To ensure the company thrives, everyone should have the same goal, and a can-do attitude will set you apart from those unwilling to take on additional responsibilities.


Setting boundaries is crucial in the workplace, according to Sophia. Your boss is not your friend, and as a boss, your employees aren’t your friends. Establishing and maintaining professional boundaries is essential to prevent misunderstandings and ensure productivity.

Firing an employee is one of the most challenging tasks a boss can undertake, and Sophia offers some advice on handling it. It’s essential to be mindful of the person’s feelings, so put yourself in their shoes before you begin the process. Avoid over-explaining, apologizing, and making it too personal. Be quick but not cold to avoid prolonging the pain for both parties involved.

If you’re on the receiving end of a firing, Sophia believes it can be a much-needed wake-up call, an opportunity for growth, or an escape route. You can learn from the experience and use it as a stepping stone to improve your prospects. It’s essential to take responsibility for your mistakes and learn from them.

9. Business

Starting a business is not for the faint of heart. Sophia emphasizes that entrepreneurs must be prepared to make personal sacrifices, including financial hardship. She notes two types of entrepreneurs: those who have chosen to start their own business after careful consideration and those who see no other alternative.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs spend much time creating a business plan and waiting to validate their ideas, but Sophia advises against getting caught up in the details. Instead, she recommends taking the plunge and adjusting your plan as you go. Sophia acknowledges that starting a business can be risky, mainly when dealing with financial obligations and investors.

Sophia encourages entrepreneurs to dream big but also reminds them that the first step toward achieving those dreams will likely be small. She emphasizes that starting a business is a journey, and success is not guaranteed. However, those willing to take risks and make sacrifices will be better positioned to achieve their goals.

10. What are the chances?

Sophia’s final chapter asks, “what are the chances?” when starting a new business. With over half a million new companies launching each month in the US, the chances of success may seem slim, with 80% of businesses failing within the first two years. However, Sophia emphasizes that you will never know your chances of success if you don’t try.

Sophia also acknowledges that starting a business requires personal sacrifices and compromises. She encourages readers to dream big and not listen only to those around them, as it can limit their chances of success. Sophia emphasizes that nothing comes easy, and there will be failures, letdowns, and starting over. However, she also notes that complicated doesn’t mean impossible, and one can control their effort and decide when it’s time to move on.

Key takeaways

  • #Girlboss means taking charge of your life and not letting things happen to you.
  • High school and college jobs may seem unpleasant, but they can help you in the long run.
  • Feeling like you don’t fit in at school doesn’t mean you won’t be successful.
  • Some rules need to be followed, but it’s okay to challenge societal expectations.
  • Finding a work-life balance that works for you is crucial.
  • Understanding your finances, including income and expenses, is essential.
  • Being an introvert does not hinder one’s ability to be a good leader.
  • The job market can be challenging, so it’s essential to have a strong cover letter, resume, and interviewing skills.

Girlboss Book Review

GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso is a captivating and inspiring memoir that chronicles the author’s journey from a rebellious young adult to the successful founder of the fashion retailer, Nasty Gal. As a reader, I found Amoruso’s writing style to be candid, witty, and engaging, offering valuable insights and advice for aspiring entrepreneurs.

The book is part autobiography, part business guide, and part motivational manifesto. Amoruso shares her personal story, including her struggles and successes, while also providing practical tips for building a business from the ground up. Her emphasis on the importance of hard work, determination, and self-belief is both empowering and encouraging.

One of the key takeaways from #GIRLBOSS is the concept of embracing your unique qualities and using them to your advantage. Amoruso encourages readers to trust their instincts, take risks, and be true to themselves in both their personal and professional lives.

6 thoughts on “Girlboss”

  1. Dear Team RBC, + Amit Kumarr
    It’s just addiction that without watching video + reading book summary day seems like not complete for me.
    Today all of sudden I selected this book summary, don’t know why …but I must say this book is not only for Girls but many point useful for men too & I found it very useful with many insights by the author in the book worth implementing in our daily life.
    Gratitude form bottom of my heart


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