Exactly What To Say


Exactly What To Say is a book by Phil M Jones where he provides readers with 22 magic words that can have a powerful impact on daily interactions with people, ultimately leading to the ability to turn situations in one’s favor. By focusing on just 22 magic words, Exactly What to Say provides readers with a concise guide to influencing others effectively.

Creative Visualization


Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain helps us to understand the power of creative visualization and how it unlocks the closed doors on whom you have knocked a lot of times. This book teaches us to use the power of our imagination to create what we want in life & methods for using mental imagery and affirmation to produce positive change.

Grow Rich With The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

Grow Rich With the Power of your Subconscious Mind

Grow Rich With The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy helps one to unwrap the cover around the subconscious mind and allows to us to utilize the untamed power of this part of our powerful brain. This book explains how to tap the Infinite Power within you, which can supply you with everything you desire. This infinite power will guide you to your proper place, solve your problems and difficulties, and guide you to the higher aspects of life.

Heal Your Body

Heal Your Body

Heal Your Body by Louise L. Hay is a fresh and easy step-by-step guide to dealing with ailments related to the body. The book helps us look at our particular health challenge to get the information needed to overcome it by creating a new thought pattern and possible health problem causes.

Financial Freedom

Financial Freedom

In Financial Freedom by Grant Sabatier, the author teaches us about a seven-step process to achieve financial independence by making more money in less time. So if you want to learn that art of making more money in less time, this book is just made for you.



Hyperfocus by Chris Bailey is an excellent resource for individuals struggling with focus-related challenges. The book provides comprehensive insights into productivity, and by implementing its teachings, readers can learn to achieve more with less effort and manage their time more efficiently.

The Secret

The Secret

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is a book based on the Law of Attraction. The book promotes the concept of the law of attraction, which suggests that one’s thoughts can directly impact their life. This summary will explore the valuable insights offered by this best-selling book, and you can too deploy the Law of Attraction to aid your success in all walks of life.

How to Win Friends and Influence People

How to Win Friends and Influence People

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie is a beautiful and magical book if you ever want to talk in public. Be it a meeting or marriage or a small help from neighbors or getting things done by others, this book will help you in your journey. Apart from teaching public dealings, this book shows you how you can influence the thought process of others and tune to your frequency so that they may listen to you.

Declutter Your Mind

Readers Books Club

Declutter Your Mind by Barrie Davenport and S.J. Scott is a beautiful attempt to free the powerful tool we all carry with care atop our shoulders. Once you declutter this powerful machine and gain clarity on the things and people, the MAGIC begins to unfurl, and you hit new destinations in life where you always wanted to belong.

Can’t Hurt Me

can't hurt me

If you are looking to be tough and get going in every situation, this book “Can’t Hurt Me” by David Godggins is a must read. This book is about a guy who was bullied, beaten, and abused so much in his childhood. This guy was a complete mess. He was overweight and not good in school, and he felt like a failure. But one day, everything changed. And this guy turned out to be David Goggins.