
The Law of Success

People who succeed in life do three things well: first, they know what they want and keep it in front of them. Second, they join a group of like-minded people, a mastermind. Third, they keep growing until they have what they want. The Law of Success is the golden key to Napoleon Hill's thought, his complete and unabridged mind-power method for achieving your goals. After interviewing dozens of industrialists, diplomats, thought leaders, and successful people from all walks of life, the young Hill distilled what he learned into these fifteen lessons.

Napoleon Hill was born in Virginia and started writing as a teenager putting together articles for town newspapers, and has become one of America’s most famous motivational authors. His books have become a monument to what can be accomplished by an individual and make up the foundation of modern motivation. Think and grow rich, in particular, is one of the best-selling books of all time, having over 100 million copies purchased worldwide as of 2015.

The Law of Success is the golden key to Hill’s thought, his complete and unabridged mind-power method for achieving your goals. After interviewing dozens of industrialists, diplomats thought leaders, and successful people from all walks of life, the young Hill distilled what he learned into these fifteen lessons.

People who succeed in life do three things well: first, they know what they want and keep it in front of them. Second, they join a group of like-minded people, a mastermind. Third, they keep growing until they have what they want. You’ll learn why success follows after those who follow the law.

Chapter 1. The mastermind

In the introductory chapter of the Law of Success, Napoleon Hill explains the mastermind concept, which he considers to be the foundation of all outstanding personal achievements. He defines a mastermind as the harmonious cooperation of two or more minds working together to accomplish a specific task. Harmony is essential; each member must be aligned with others’ purposes.

Hill describes how many successful individuals in the American Industrial Economy were members or creators of masterminds. He gives examples of prominent figures such as Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Harvey Firestone, John D. Rockefeller, Sr., and Andrew Carnegie. Hill emphasizes that success can be achieved through the power of the mastermind and the principles outlined in his book.

Chapter 2. A Definite Chief Aim

The Law of Success provides guidance on how to avoid wasted efforts in finding one’s lifework. The book emphasizes the importance of having a well-defined purpose and a definite chief aim, which is not just a goal but a potential reality one is committed to bringing into existence. Individuals can eliminate aimlessness and work towards making their dreams a reality by focusing on a specific aim.

The Law of Success

To turn your chief aim into a reality, there are several steps you can take. Firstly, it’s essential to write down your aim in a concise and memorable statement that can be easily referenced, such as on your phone’s note app or an index card. Secondly, note down what you are willing to give up in exchange for achieving your aim, including resources like time and money. This helps you clarify your commitment to your goal and what sacrifices you will make.

Finally, repeat your aim 12 times a day through autosuggestion, which involves regularly reciting it until it becomes ingrained in your subconscious mind and you become fully committed to its achievement. These steps can help you to focus your energy and efforts towards making your chief aim a reality.

Chapter 3. Self Confidence 

Hill covers “the six basic fears of mankind,” which are:

The six basic fears:

1- the fear of poverty,

2- the fear of old age,

3- the fear of criticism,

4- the fear of loss of the love of someone,

5- the fear of sickness,

6- the fear of death

Hill suggests using the practice of “autosuggestion” or self-talk to deal with tormenting thoughts. He also provides an example of how the law of attraction can be used to improve one’s life. Individuals can attract positive people into their community by focusing on positive thoughts and overcoming fears. However, Hill warns that self-confidence, like physical fitness, requires consistent use. If not exercised regularly, it can disappear. Thus, using self-confidence regularly can help develop and maintain it.

Chapter 4. The habit of saving 

Hill advocates for saving money in this lesson, citing its physical and mental benefits. Saving money can eliminate the fear of poverty and provide investment opportunities, increasing material prosperity. Hill provides examples of how debt and overspending can negatively impact one’s life. He suggests creating a budget to understand income and expenses and recommends a savings model he developed after interviewing 200 financially successful individuals who had overcome financial ruin.

Chapter 5. Initiative and leadership 

In this lesson, Napoleon Hill demonstrates his initiative and leadership by sharing the story of creating a school for advertising and sales, known as The Law of Success. He needed two things to start his school: start-up capital and a course to teach his students. Although he knew what he wanted to teach, he required more funds to start the school. To make his aim a reality, Hill first set his definite chief aim to acquire the necessary capital. He then developed a detailed plan to achieve his objective.

Rather than fretting or complaining, Hill sought out and discovered a group of individuals interested in learning Hill’s knowledge and had money to invest in marketing and sales education. After ensuring a market for his business education, Hill’s last challenge was finding a location to teach his course.

As there was no online digital education available at that time, individuals who desired to learn went to college. Hill approached the director of a prestigious business college and presented his course as a way for the college to attract more students in exchange for the college providing the initial capital to get Hill’s education system up and running.

The director agreed, and Hill received his capital. The education system paid back what it owed the college in less than a year of operation, and Hill ran it as a stand-alone business.

The Law of Success Book

Three steps to cultivating initiative & leadership. 

  1. You must master the habit of procrastination and eliminate it from your makeup.”
  1. Encourage those around you to take action and wait to put things off until tomorrow.
  2. Develop positive leadership skills that lead to “self-determination and freedom and self-development and enlightenment and justice.”

Chapter 6. Imagination 

Numerous success stories exemplify the potential of imagination to enhance sales performance. In his book “The Law of Success,” Napoleon Hill recounts examples of salespeople who leveraged their imagination to climb the ranks in various industries. One such example is Hill, who persuaded the governor of Ohio to release a reformed prisoner by visualizing why the governor would agree. Another example is Paul Harris of Chicago, who sold the first rotary by envisioning a creative way to promote his legal practice when conventional advertising methods were prohibited. Dr. Harper of the University of Chicago is another example, as he used his imagination to manifest a donation from John D. Rockefeller.

Chapter 7. Enthusiasm 

The Law of Success Summary

Lesson six of “The Law of Success” by Napoleon Hill focuses on enthusiasm. Hill defines enthusiasm as a state of being re-energized and re-invigorated with a new level of passion, which can result in less sleep. He emphasizes the social benefits of enthusiasm, describing how it can inspire and motivate others to act in your suggested direction. However, Hill cautions against fake enthusiasm, explaining that it is immoral and cannot be sustained. He believes that genuine and lasting enthusiasm comes from within a person rather than being solely triggered by external factors.

Chapter 8. Self Control 

Hill emphasizes the importance of self-control as the complementary force to enthusiasm. While enthusiasm provides the energy to move forward, self-control acts as the steering wheel and brakes, allowing individuals to direct their enthusiasm toward their desired goals. Self-control is necessary to apply all the other laws of success.

Hill emphasizes that without self-discipline, an individual cannot become the master of their fate or the captain of their soul. Conversely, an excessive amount of enthusiasm can be harmful, making it crucial to have self-control as a means of regulating one’s actions. In essence, the Law of Success requires individuals to balance their enthusiasm with self-control, and those who can achieve this balance become the architects of their destinies.

Chapter 9. The habit of doing more than paid for 

The Law of Success English

The law of success course highlights the importance of leveraging the law of increasing returns, which leads to a disproportionate return in money compared to the service provided. To become a successful leader, one must consistently do more and better work than what they are paid for. Hill’s experience is a testament to this principle, as he was initially underpaid for his work on the law of success course.

However, his dedication and commitment eventually paid off when a colleague of Thomas Edison introduced him to the chairman of the board of the Ford Motor Company, who purchased the course for their employees. This led to a snowball effect, as other businesses sought and bought the success course.

The key to achieving the highest return on investment is to go above and beyond what is expected, fueled by passion and dedication. In this way, individuals can stand out and be rewarded for their exceptional efforts. Ultimately, a good leader cannot focus on equality of output but rather on the quality and quantity of the work they provide.

Chapter 10. Pleasing personality

The law of success emphasizes the importance of having a pleasing personality in achieving success. Combined with intelligence, it becomes a powerful tool to help individuals overcome obstacles. This lesson has proven to be a game-changer for many salespeople and leaders, allowing them to transform their personalities to adapt to any environment and dominate any situation.

A pleasing personality is essential for building trust and establishing solid relationships with clients, making them more likely to do business with you. To cultivate a successful personality, it is important to present oneself neatly and professionally, with a sharp wit and killer charm that can disarm potential clients and break down business obstacles. Overall, a welcoming and attractive personality and intelligence can make all the difference in achieving success.

Chapter 11. Accurate Thought

Accurate thinking is fundamental to long-term success, and the law of success course emphasizes its importance. This lesson teaches individuals how to distinguish between “facts” and mere “information” and how to categorize known facts into two distinct groups: “important” and “unimportant.” By doing so, individuals can determine which facts are crucial for pursuing their goals. Furthermore, the lesson guides individuals on using these facts to create solid plans to succeed in any chosen field.

The Law of Success Hindi

Surrounding yourself with individuals who share your thirst for accurate knowledge is critical to your success. The law of success course emphasizes the power of mentorship and the creation of a mastermind group. Through personal experience, Hill attests to the positive impact of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals who support and inspire one another, leading to a cycle of success.

In a world of misinformation and fake news, it can be challenging to differentiate between facts and opinions. However, accurate thinking is based on the ability to distinguish between the two, enabling one to make rational decisions based on data rather than emotions. The law of success course instructs individuals to subdivide facts into two categories: essential and relevant or unimportant and irrelevant, allowing them to prioritize and focus on what truly matters.

Chapter 12. Concentration

The art of concentration is crucial to achieving success as it enables you to concentrate on one task at a time until you’ve developed practical strategies for mastering it. Additionally, it teaches you how to collaborate with others to benefit from their knowledge and expertise to achieve your goals. Lastly, it provides a practical understanding of the forces surrounding you and how to leverage them to your advantage.

It’s essential to have a singular focus when pursuing success. Attempting to diversify too early can lead to a scattering of your efforts, diluting your chances of success. Concentrating on one specific objective can leave a trail of progress toward your goal. Keep your eyes peeled for these breadcrumbs, leading you to success as per The Law of Success.

Chapter 13. Cooperation

The Law of Success emphasizes the importance of cooperation and teamwork, as it eliminates negative emotions such as envy, greed, and jealousy. It teaches individuals how to coordinate their efforts with others and use their collective knowledge to achieve success in their chosen field.

To create a successful team, one must establish a “mastermind” group of like-minded individuals who are driven, persistent, and hungry for success. It is essential to determine what value one can offer the team in exchange for their support. One should also carefully choose their team members, leaving behind those not committed to success.

Through collaboration and sharing of best practices, the team can coordinate their actions and motivate each other to achieve their goals. This energy exchange can lead to increased motivation and, ultimately, success.

Chapter 14. Failure 

The Law of Success highlights the importance of profiting from failure, as it teaches individuals how to turn mistakes and failures into opportunities for growth and success. It emphasizes that most failures are only temporary setbacks and that taking massive action can help individuals learn which techniques work and which ones don’t.

To succeed, one must learn to separate what works from what doesn’t and continue to refine their strategies through trial and error. Failing initially is a natural part of the process, but learning from those mistakes and taking different actions moving forward is essential.

No one is perfect, and making mistakes is an everyday learning process. It is essential to bounce back wiser and more resilient from failures and use them as stepping stones toward success. The Law of Success teaches individuals to embrace failure and learn from it to achieve their goals.

Chapter 15. Tolerance 

The Law of Success emphasizes the importance of tolerance, which can help individuals avoid the damaging effects of racial and religious prejudices. These prejudices can lead people to engage in foolish arguments, poison their minds, and close themselves off from reason and investigation, ultimately resulting in defeat.

Tolerance is essential for accurate thinking and is the twin sister of the lesson on real thought. Intolerance can hinder learning and lead to discrimination, creating enemies where there should be friends and destroying opportunities. It can also lead to doubt, mistrust, and prejudice.

To cultivate tolerance, avoiding ignorance and embracing the vast differences among people, cultures, religions, and lifestyles is essential. One should avoid the poisonous influences of hatred and bigotry and accept that each individual is unique. By doing so, life can be more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Chapter 16. The golden rule 

The Law of Success teaches the value of practicing the golden rule, a universal law of human conduct that can help individuals achieve harmonious cooperation with any individual or group quickly. Unfortunately, many people fail to understand this law, hindering their success.

The Law of Success outlines fifteen laws individuals can master within fifteen to thirty weeks to develop personal power and achieve their chief aim. These laws are designed to help individuals organize and apply their past and future knowledge to turn it into power.

By practicing the golden rule and mastering these fifteen laws, individuals can harness their personal power and achieve their goals more effectively. Understanding and applying these laws is essential to the Law of Success and can lead to tremendous success and fulfillment.


We often hear that knowledge is power and can help us succeed. However, simply relying on what we know from our past experiences and daily interactions may not be enough. Instead, we should embrace the idea of trial and error and be willing to take risks to achieve our goals. Doing so can accelerate our progress and improve our chances of success.

Our minds have a tendency to become stagnant and keep us from reaching our full potential. But we can break free from this pattern by being adaptable and open to new ideas. It’s essential to keep learning and remain receptive to different approaches that can lead to life-changing breakthroughs.

The Law Of Success Book Review

The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill is a comprehensive guide to personal achievement and self-improvement. As a reader, I found the author’s writing style engaging and informative, with real-life examples and practical advice to help unlock one’s potential.

The book is based on Hill’s extensive research and interviews with numerous successful individuals, including Andrew Carnegie and Thomas Edison. It presents 16 key principles for success, such as self-confidence, imagination, enthusiasm, and persistence, among others.

One of the most valuable aspects of The Law of Success is its emphasis on the power of the human mind. Hill encourages readers to harness their thoughts and beliefs to shape their reality and achieve their goals. The book also highlights the importance of networking, mentorship, and collaboration in the pursuit of success.

Throughout the book, Hill provides actionable exercises and techniques to help readers develop and refine their skills in accordance with the 16 principles. These exercises encourage self-reflection and personal growth, making the book a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their lives.

426 thoughts on “The Law of Success”

  1. Day 12 completed 🙂

    Here are action points that I have learn from this book summary:-

    1. Join/ make a group of like-minded people
    2. Write your purpose in concise and memorable statement.
    3. Write down things that you are willing to give up for achieving you goal.
    4. Repeat it 12 times a day by self-talk
    Self-talk can be used to deal with fear of poverty, old age, criticism, loss of love of someone, sickness , death.
    5. Save money
    6. Steps to leadership and initiative:-
    a). Eliminate procrastination
    b). Encourage others to take action and tell’em to eliminate procrastination.
    c). Develop positive leadership skills.

    7. Use the power of imagination.
    8. Be truly enthusiastic towards your work
    9. Have self-control.
    10. Develop habit of doing more than you are paid for and improve quality of work.
    11. Develop charming and pleasing personality.
    12. Subdivide facts in 2 categories:- essential and relevant or unimportant and irrelevant.
    13. Focus and concentrate on your efforts and work.
    14. Learn which strategies to adopt and eliminate.
    15. Develop tolerance towards various cultures , regions, thoughts, individuals.

    Thank you 🙏 so much sir for amazing and insightful book summaries.

  2. Day 12 of 21
    “The Law of Success”, is a fantastic book that provides practical advice on how to achieve success in all areas of life. The book teaches important skills like positive thinking, persistence, effective communication, and goal-setting, some of the rememberable lines are:

    -People who succeed in life do three things well: first, they know what they want and keep it in front of them. Second, they join a group of like-minded people, a mastermind. Third, they keep growing until they have what they want
    -To become a successful leader, one must consistently do more and better work than what they are paid for
    -It’s essential to have a singular focus when pursuing success
    -To create a successful team, one must establish a “mastermind” group of like-minded individuals who are driven, persistent, and hungry for success
    -No one is perfect, and making mistakes is an everyday learning process.

    Thanks, Readers books club


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