Kaise Jeete aur Prabhavshali Bane

Kaise Jeete Aur Prabhavshali Bane

Kaise Jeete Aur Prabhavshali Bane by Santosh Kumar Yadav is the book that will help the youth to gain charge of their lives and conquer their goals. The book talks about winning the aura around us so that we all can become effective in our chosen field of work. Read on to gain that edge and influenence.

Santosh Kumar Yadav 18 mins read Read in Hindi Motivation Productivity Self Improvement

In London, there lived a man named James. From an early age, James had an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a commitment to succeed in life. He understood that success is not a matter of luck but is achieved through hard work and consistency. James embarked on his journey by setting clear goals for himself.

He dreamt of becoming a successful entrepreneur and positively impacting society. With unwavering focus, he developed a detailed plan outlining the steps he needed to take to turn his dreams into reality.

As James progressed, he encountered numerous obstacles and setbacks. Financial struggles, self-doubt, and the occasional failure tested his resolve. However, he refused to be discouraged. Instead, James viewed each challenge as an opportunity for growth and learning.

He analyzed his failures, adjusted his strategies, and persevered with even greater determination. To maximize his effectiveness, James embraced continuous learning.

He read voraciously, attended seminars and workshops, and sought out mentors who could provide guidance and support. James understood that knowledge was a powerful tool that could propel him forward and unlock new opportunities.

James started getting results because of his hard work. He successfully started his own business, in which he was very successful.

James’s story inspired many aspiring entrepreneurs and individuals striving for success. His journey highlighted the importance of setting clear goals, embracing challenges, continuous learning, perseverance, and the power of building a supportive network.

Through his example, James demonstrated that anyone could be practical and triumph in life with passion, determination, and an unwavering belief in oneself.


Today’s book can change your life if you want to become effective, influential, and successful. “Kaise Jeete Aur Prabhavshali Bane” is written by Santosh Kumar; the book tells how you can become meaningful and successful.

This book will change your mindset and inspire you to think and learn something new. If you start implementing the practices mentioned in this book in your life, then you will be able to feel a massive change inside you.

To understand this book well, we have divided it into seven chapters; let’s learn all those chapters individually.

So let’s start.

Chapter 1: Your Mindset

Kaise Jeete aur Prabhavshali Bane

Success begins with a mindset. The rule of philosophy is to create an image of your target in your mind so that you gradually start becoming the person you want to be. Put thoughts of the kind of person you want to be in your mind so that your subconscious mind keeps reminding you where you want to go.

A successful person always uses the energy of his subconscious mind; the most powerful thing we have is our mind. Our mind is such a thing that it can create and destroy anything, so using it properly should be your primary goal.

Just as the body needs good food, the mind also needs good thoughts. Suppose you keep thinking only negative thoughts about yourself all day. Like, I can’t do anything, I can’t do anything, then the subconscious mind will also be like that, and you will feel that you can’t do anything. When you fill yourself with positive thoughts, always think good about yourself.

So the subconscious mind thinks you can do well. Our thinking language becomes what we believe about ourselves. When you always speak well about yourself, the subconscious mind’s language, i.e., our thinking language, will be good, and our thoughts will be formed from the language itself.

Do you know that most people do not understand why they are stuck in the same place or unable to move forward? The only reason for this is their mindset. You become what your mindset is.

The subconscious mind believes only what we speak and believe to be accurate, so it is essential to consider that the desired things are true.

Maybe today you think I will not be able to do such a big thing, or I will never be able to buy such a big house. But when you believe that thing, it will sit in the subconscious mind, and you will start thinking that you can do it.

It would help to care for your language because the subconscious mind only accepts what you speak. So think and talk only about those you want to get, do not think about those you do not want to.

Never use language for yourself that sounds negative, like, I can’t do this, or I can’t afford this. Instead, ask yourself how can I do this thing, or How can I get this thing? When you ask yourself a question, you will automatically get the answer. But most people make the same mistake, never asking themselves the question.

There is a flowchart in our life to achieve anything; if you follow this flowchart correctly, then the chances of achieving anything increase by many percent. The flowchart includes these things.

Choosing good positive words during self-talking

  • Thinking
  • Mindset
  • Self-talk
  • Action
  • Getting results

The first thing to do in the flowchart is to choose an excellent positive word. If you choose good and positive comments for yourself, they tell your subconscious mind that your thinking is positive.

After that, those words start forming your thoughts. When many good thoughts are formed, they form a Mindset.

After this, according to our positive mindset, we start self-talk and tell ourselves that nothing is impossible. You can achieve everything in the world.

With positive self-talk, we focus entirely on our work so that the results we get can come in our favor.

Chapter 2: Success v/s Failure

No matter how many books you read, no matter how many seminars you take, or how many courses you do. After a time, the motivation for all these things starts reading less, and people get demotivated and sit again.

This happens because all these things give motivation from outside. Lack of motivation to change yourself means you have yet to make a written promise.

It means that until now, you have listened to everyone but have not written anything for yourself; because of this, your subconscious mind has been unable to clarify what you want to do. So first, take a blank page and write everything you want to do in life.

Our mind understands everything but forgets very quickly, like a small child. That’s why it is essential to remind him again and again. The fastest way to do this is to make a written promise to yourself, i.e., write down your goals so you can read and remember them daily. Goals can be like you want to buy a house, buy a car, want to visit someplace, or want to be famous.

In this way, please write what you want on the page and enter the date with today’s date when you will get it. Now paste this page in a place where your eyes go all the time so that you never forget your goal and keep working hard for it.

Kaise Jeete aur Prabhavshali Bane Book

There are two types of people in this world: one successful person and the other unsuccessful person. Victorious is the person who never postpones his work and keeps working hard for his work every day. Whatever goal they want to achieve, they leave it only after attaining it.

On the other hand, unsuccessful people want to do a lot but cannot do anything because of their unsuccessful habits.

Friends, our habits make us and spoil us. To become successful, you should always have the habit of working hard. Nothing should be more important to you than your work. You ask yourself, where should you have been in your life? Are you there?

If not, then there is a need for a turning point in your life; there is a need to take such a tremendous turn where you have to change yourself entirely and adopt successful habits to become a better person.

Chapter 3: Effect of Habits

Habit is a practice that should be done daily. Habit is a self-developing practice that develops gradually every day and becomes strong one day. Just as a mindset is positive or negative, a habit is good or bad. Our whole life is made up of habits.

You would think that all the decisions we make throughout the day are taken consciously, but in reality, they result from our habits. For example, how many times do we eat in a day? How long we rest is all a result of our habits.

Kaise Jeete aur Prabhavshali Bane Summary

When you do your thoughts and work habits every day regularly, it becomes a schedule. Patterns seem small initially, but gradually they start creating a huge effect. Our daily life starts leaving its impact on our health and our relationships with people.

For example, 60% of the work people do throughout the day is not done by their conscious decisions but by daily habits. If you develop good habits within yourself, you can make daily choices in your favor.

You have to get better every day for your big goal. Because when you get better at that work every day, then by becoming better by more than 37% in a year, you can master that work in 1 day. And its opposite, if every day is useless, it can be wasted quickly.

Good habits work for self-improvement, while bad habits work to spoil the personality. Even if you do not see the Effect of your habits in the beginning, after a few months or years, their Effect increases a lot.

We have now understood that habits play an essential role in our life. Now you will learn how to create thriving habits for yourself.

To make successful habits, first of all, make your whole day routine and keep three things in mind before making a routine. Write them at the top.

  1. What kind of person do you want to be
  2. What type of routine would you like to make for yourself
  3. What kind of identity do you want for yourself

What kind of person do you want to be

While reading this, tell yourself that you will follow this routine daily without delay to become such a person. Then, face the challenges that come every day. An ideal daily routine goes something like this:

  1. Your work profession – 8 hours
  2. Sleep – 8 hours.
  3. Gaining knowledge of your target – 2 hours
  4. Exercise – 2 hours
  5. Entertainment – 2 hours
  6. Unexpected work – 2 hours

If you find it challenging to make a routine, you can follow it in the initial days and gradually customize it according to your time.

By taking the proper steps to adopt successful habits, the individual and a small company or a big business can become successful. To develop a successful practice, scheduling time for the necessary activity is essential.

If you do not fix the time, the action will never be done on time, whereas if you select the time, you can complete that work with discipline.

To make this task easier, you can make a list for yourself.

  • Present time goal
  • Today’s goal
  • This week’s goal
  • This month’s goal
  • This year’s goal
  • The next five years’ goal

Read this list in reverse and decide what to do in the next five years. After determining the work of 5 years, decide what needs to be done in one year to achieve the target of these five years.

In the same way, to achieve this year’s goal, write the necessary tasks for every month and to achieve the purpose for every month, write the required small goals for every week, then decide the essential functions for every day.

By doing this, distraction will be less, and you can do your work with focus; after setting the day’s goal, you have to decide what the daily routine will be like to complete them.

With this, make successful habits attractive. For this, try to do successful activities in different ways. For example, do new daily exercises to get new challenges, and that habit will automatically become attractive.

Chapter 4: Be a Peaceful Human Being

A peaceful mindset is the most powerful thing in this world. Once you look inside yourself, identify yourself, and start working to improve yourself, it becomes much easier to face the outside world. In this world, you must treat others how you want people to treat you.

Positive things start appearing when we look at the world peacefully. Then we understand that we need to improve ourselves by working on ourselves. From this, we learn to live in the present.

Kaise Jeete aur Prabhavshali Bane English

The real meaning of living in the present is to enjoy the work that you are doing today. However, you can enjoy that work only when the future is getting better from it. For example, everyone likes to sleep and rest for the whole day.

It feels perfect while doing this work, but it cannot be called living in the present because while doing this, there is a regret in my mind that I am not working hard and my future is not improving. On the other hand, the person who wakes up early in the morning and does exercise is happy; his future is getting better.

Most of the people in this world are living thinking about their past or future. They are not paying attention to their presence at all. When we live with a peaceful mindset, many opportunities start appearing; a calm mind opens many avenues of opportunity because when the reason is quiet, the ability to see the present only comes.

With a peaceful mind comes an understanding of your habits. Being thankful means gratitude starts becoming a part of life. It is easy to overcome every challenge in life by adopting gratitude. Appreciation means thanking God for everything that you have.

The author says those not grateful are less likely to become influential. Great people of the world have done wonders with gratitude because they know that gratitude is the only thing that will keep them connected; they can understand people’s pain and keep themselves down to earth.

But we still work towards our goals. Gratitude means we should be happy that what we have is enough and always be hungry to achieve our goals. This is the key to a successful life.

Chapter 5: Be a Proactive Person

The understanding of living teaches us to live in the present. Understanding only leads us to differentiate between knowledge and ignorance; understanding only develops successful habits and moves forward.

This understanding also solves most of the problems in life. We are all 100% responsible for our own lives. There is no human being except you who can change you. The sooner you understand this, the sooner you learn to take 100% responsibility for your life.

Kaise Jeete aur Prabhavshali Bane Hindi

Remove from your mind the thought of running others according to your way because everyone wants to run according to their way. If you can do something about this, then that is to change yourself. You can change yourself according to yourself, and other people will automatically change after seeing you; just for that, you need to be an influential person.

Develop yourself so that whatever condition comes in front of you, you will face it firmly. To do all these things, you have to be a proactive person who is always active and enthusiastic about any work of their goals.

A good leader’s qualities must be brought in to become an influential person. And this will be possible only when you have complete 100% control over yourself. Proactive humans are aware. Instead of reacting just like that, they respond thoughtfully.

Proactive people see both its positive and negative sides before doing any work, then start the work. They leave it once that work is completed. Whatever the situation, it is in our hands to take the first step to improve it, and proactive people often take it.

You must have noticed that in the society where you live, whenever there is an incident, there are some people who immediately call the police, call the fire, and whatever the solution is. He does everything necessary to resolve that situation.

They are the first to take action; that is what proactive people are. In times of trouble, when others do nothing, such people take the first step. Proactive people shape their dreams through their imagination; they always imagine the picture they want to reach. After imagination, they can do their work with more motivation and focus.

Proactive people influence their imagination, so they keep patience in every situation and understand their responsibilities. By working hard, They turn imagination into reality.

Proactive people are successful and influential because they first succeed in their imagination and then convert it into reality. They know that if you are a successful and influential person in your imagination, you become that person in real life. Proactive people are masters of their imagination; they have already celebrated their victory.

They take their luck with them in every situation because they know what to do at every turn. Can you see yourself as a successful and influential person in your imagination? If yes, you will become a successful and effective person even in reality. But if the answer is no, you must work on yourself.

Your thoughts make you; if you are a winner in your imagination, you will also be a winner in real life. That’s why it is essential to think of successful thoughts; for successful ideas, you can read good books that motivate you to succeed.

You can also watch movies or knowledgeable videos about your field, encouraging you to follow your dream. But, remember, you have to see only helpful and motivating things for you.

Proactive people put the most important things first and understand time management well. For time management, like bold people, make your next day’s routine before sleeping at night. Then, as soon as you wake up, your job is to follow it. Doing this will save you time, and you can complete your work quickly by being focused.

Chapter 6: Become an Influential Person

Do the most important things first

You can have 100% control over your life and time, but you must manage your time correctly; the first way is to do the essential things. More important than that, how will you know what is the most critical work for you?

For example, if you are a businessman, it will be vital for you to make decisions and implement them to benefit the customer and the company’s profit. Then, distribute the rest of the work among your employees.

Kaise Jeete aur Prabhavshali Bane

If you are an employee, do the most essential work first given by your boss? After that, do your work because only your job will take you forward. When you learn to do the most important thing first, success is not limited.

This strategy increases performance and results quickly, and the success you were thinking of achieving in the next five years can be completed in the next two years. It can be found in a year only.

Life changes entirely by learning and applying the known things. Most of us get excited and start reading many books and get motivated by them. But only some people implement those learned things in their life.

Reading is easy, but applying those things in real life and following them continuously is challenging. Which most people do not do, but those who follow this thing go ahead of others in life.

Influential people think far ahead

Instead of thinking about what to do tomorrow, influential people think about what target they must achieve in the next five years and what they must do today. For this, first of all, you have to make a list, where you have to write what you want to do in the next five years, after that what needs to be done in 1 year to get this thing.

Then, what needs to be done in 12 months to achieve that in 1 year? And what needs to be done every week to achieve the goal of those months. And what to do every day for the week. Doing this will save you time, and you will continue to do your work with focus.

Chapter 7: Keep Upgrading Yourself

Kaise Jeete aur Prabhavshali Bane Book

Upgrading is significant because it makes you better. Continuous improvement is the only way to upgrade. When you stop getting better, you get worse. The first step to any change is awareness. The goal of understanding is to elevate your consciousness.

Once you start consciously observing your thoughts and actions, there is a way to be better. Start by being yourself to be the kind of world you want. If you want to make the world a better place, start by being a better person yourself.

Why is it necessary to upgrade?

Our life is like a garden that must be taken care of occasionally. If you take care of the plants in your garden like a fertile garden, they will flourish beyond expectation. But if weeds are allowed to take root in your garden, you will soon find that dangerous germs can grow in them.

So keep monitoring your parks occasionally; if you see any deficiency, fix it immediately. Always be careful about waste; create a monitoring team (habits) that will keep you informed and find solutions. With new methods, your garden will be protected over time and continue to produce great results for a long time.

Just like you have to clean or take a bath every day to stay clean, keep giving positivity to your thoughts through positive things every day. If you don’t plant the seeds of the crops you want there and don’t clean them, weeds will grow, so upgrading is a must. A Mindset that can change a life.

Awareness to upgrade

Unless you know about the existence of something, you cannot change anything. For awareness, you have to find a way to understand and separate. Understanding where your way of thinking originated can help you understand why you are getting the results you are getting.

By doing this, when it turns out this way of thinking is not yours, separate yourself from it. With this separation method, you can decide whether to continue or quit. Consider where you are today and where you want to go.

  1. Four Aspects of Upgrading
  2. First physical – from exercise
  3. Second mental – from learning
  4. Third spiritual – from prayer
  5. Fourth social – from service
  6. First physical – from exercise

Physical exercise takes care of the physical body. You should eat healthy food, rest and exercise daily for your body. Many people cannot exercise regularly because it does not show any significant difference in a day, so people ignore it.

The result of doing physical exercise or not is visible in the long run. Most people think they need more time, but it is not included in their daily routine. You can always need more time for everything, but there is always time for important things.

No specific tool is required to do physical exercise. If you want to use some tools or enjoy skill-based sports like tennis, badminton, football, etc., this is an excellent opportunity for extra physical activity. You can also do basic exercises like brisk walking, running, cycling, and swimming for bodily exercise. These are very beneficial for physical fitness.

You need to be aware even while doing a routine of physical exercise. Many people have a desire to do physical exercise more than necessary in the beginning.

But if you have yet to do any physical exercise before. In that case, it can lead to unnecessary pain, injury, and even permanent injury, so starting slow is the best way to approach physical exercise. Physical exercise is the foundation of your health. This has a profound effect on your self-respect, self-confidence, and your integrity.

Second mental – from learning

Mental development happens through learning. Most people think that studying is only till school or college. That’s why they stop reading or learning as soon as their schooling is over. When you do this, you stop improving the mental aspect, which can spoil the future. Just like the body needs good food, the mind also needs good thoughts daily.

The mental part is upgraded only by good ideas. Therefore, giving at least one hour to learning every day in the daily routine is necessary. So that we can keep moving towards becoming better. There is no better way to increase knowledge and explore new things than to inculcate the habit of learning regularly. Initially, start by making a target of reading two pages daily for reading, then keep increasing it continuously.

Writing along with homework is a powerful way to upgrade mentally, increasing mental clarity. To be mentally upgraded, reading and writing effectively increase the capacity to think and imagine clearly.

Third spiritual – from prayer

Being spiritually upgraded gives a direction to life. The spiritual aspect is like a heart dedicated to embodying your life principles. It receives strength from the sources that inspire you. Being spiritually upgraded connects the entire humanity with the truths of eternal time and the development of society.

When spiritually upgraded by praying regularly, you will feel new energy and power to make your life principles meaningful. You can pray or read holy books to get spiritually elevated. When you spiritually upgrade and gain the ability to keep your mind strong and calm, the noise of outer life cannot affect your inner strength.

Being spiritually upgraded in the present improves our way of making our decisions and living life. When you list your objectives, your enthusiasm increases -motivated to do better daily. Spiritually upgrading for success, excellence, and security is an essential aspect. When a person has no purpose, the enthusiasm becomes much less.

Everything can go right when the target is correct. It doesn’t matter who you are. You are a politician or artist, sportsperson, businessman, employee, or housewife; if you feel you are serving others, you will do your work well. This law is as important as the law of gravity.

Fourth – from social service

Being socially upgraded means connecting with people’s feelings because we are all social animals. We live in a society with emotion attached to our relationships with others, which affects our lives. Being socially upgraded includes public behavior.

From this aspect, you have to learn those methods of general behavior which make your relations suitable. You have to know the primary ways to influence people: to be a good speaker, to find ways to give genuine compliments instead of bad-mouthing someone, and to understand the other person’s mindset and what they want.


Friends, I hope you have learned how to win and be influential. Let us repeat them once so that they are easy to remember:

  1. Success begins with a mindset. The rule of philosophy is to create an image of your target in your mind so that you slowly start becoming the person you want to be.
  2. The subconscious mind believes you can do well when you fill yourself with positive thoughts, always thinking good about yourself. We become what we think about ourselves.
  3. Our mind understands everything but quickly forgets, like a small child. That’s why it is essential to remind him again and again. The fastest way to do this is to make a written promise to yourself, i.e., write down your goals so you can read and remember them daily.
  4. When you do your thoughts and habits related to work every day regularly, it becomes a schedule. Patterns seem small initially, but gradually they start creating a huge effect. Our daily life starts leaving its impact on our health and our relationships with people.
  5. A peaceful mindset is the most powerful thing in this world. Once you look inside yourself, identify yourself, and start working to improve yourself, it becomes much easier to face the outside world.
  6. We are all 100% responsible for our own lives. There is no human being except you who can change you. The sooner you understand this, the sooner you learn to take 100% responsibility for your life. Proactive people are successful and influential because they first succeed in their imagination and then convert it into reality.
  7. Upgrading is significant because it makes us better. Continuous improvement is the only way to upgrade.

So friends, now the time has come to tell what was the best thing about this book you have just learned and will implement 100% in your life. Feel free to comment and let me know. See you soon with more great summaries.

Kaise Jeete Aur Prabhavshali Bane Book Review

“Kaise Jeete Aur Prabhavshali Bane” book by Santosh Kumar Yadav is a must for anyone interested in keeping up with the time and willing to achieve goals to live the dream life.

The book’s pages flow very lucidly, take the readers into the deep streets of the mind, and train them on how to become influential and attain success.

The chapters cover almost everything needed to become unstoppable and are recommended to be read word by word for more success.

Thank You.

2 thoughts on “Kaise Jeete Aur Prabhavshali Bane”

  1. Success begins with a mindset.You become what your mindset is. We need to improve ourselves by working on ourselves by working for present.
    The subconscious mind only accepts what you speak. So think and talk only about those you want to get, do not think about those you do not want to.
    The real meaning of living in the present is to enjoy the work that you are doing today by which u get peace of mind.
    With a peaceful mind comes an understanding of your habits. Being thankful means gratitude starts becoming a part of life.
    Life changes entirely by learning and applying the known things, keep upgrading ur self.


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